How to find blog commenting sites

If you're interested in getting started with link building SEO, blog commenting seems like an obvious choice. You get a pretty good link with minimal effort. Simply find blogs that accept comments and then start spamming your link right? Eh, not really. We don't want to be blacklisted because we're seen as spammers.

Smart SEOs know the potential that a website relationship can have. Do you want the chance of having 1 backlink or possibly gaining authority on the blog comment and having multiple backlinks?

The right answer is we should want to earn the relationship of reputable blogs. This way, we can interact with people who are visiting the site as well as the owner. But how do we go about to find blog commenting sites?

Linkbuilding is not as easy as it looks. There's additional info if you visit this site.

How to find blog commenting sites  

The first step is to find your target audience. What blogs are they interested in? What forums are they on? The main takeaway is that you want to comment on blogs that are related to your website.  
If you had a landscaping business, you wouldn’t be on financial advice blogs posting your link. Even if you get a backlink from it and some traffic, what use is it to you? You’re better off finding a real estate site and trying to put a link on there. At least if some traffic comes it could be some new homeowners in your area looking for services.  

Next, you want to check how active the blog is. Does it have tons of comments? Does it have only a few? These are just some of the questions you should be asking. Some other good criteria to look for is the page authority and domain ranking. This link juice will be passing onto your website so you want to make sure its worth the effort.  

To find blogs that accept comments nowadays is getting harder and harder. The reason is that blog owners are turning off comments because there’s just too much spam. Think about all of the people manually blog commenting as opposed to the people using software programs to do it. It gets to the point where the blog comment doesn’t even pertain to the article and it shows that the article wasn’t read.  
Google Search Queries 
Once you know what keywords you want to target, you can begin to join them with search modifiers that help blogs with comments show up.  
“Keyword(s)” +”(URLs automatically linked.)” 
This type of query will target any blog that has your keyword in it along with the blogs that have “URLs automatically linked” in their footer. What this does is increase the likelihood of the blog allowing comments.  

There's a great free resource called Drop My Link which is a website with all of these queries saved into the database. All you have to do is try out a few and you'll easily find thousands of blogs where you can drop a comment. This is a time-consuming process if you're doing it manually but it'll pay dividends when you get your top keywords ranked.

If you don't want to wait for your keywords to rank, you can get pay per click services at decent rates.


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